[WriteLog] CW Decoder

Dean St. Hill dmsthill at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 09:52:22 EDT 2020

To maybe add some context as I have used both tools - cw skimmer (on a
regular 3khz wide superhet) and WL CW decode on same rig.

CW Skimmer is designed to be wide. Whole band wide if using an SDR but if
like me you used a superhet then the optimum condx for skimmer (as wide as
possible) and WL CW (the narrower the better).

Where I have found the WL CW decoder to work best is where the following
conditions are true. The CW is sent by machine. The cw is sent a very high
speed (> 25 wpm). Where the bandwidth is narrow and allows a single CW sig.
And where there is little - or preferably no noise.

My CW is better at low speed and therefore in contests I like to have the
CW decoder as a bit of an insurance policy. I already know what I should be
listening for usually a two letter State or a 3 digit number. Works well

It also does not workvery well when the station sending is constantly
changing their sending speed. So the station that sends cq cq test ultra
fast, slows down for the callsign and goes back mega-fast for test at the
end. Rough copy. Same for the 5NN at super high speed followed by slower
state or serial umber... equally tough decode.

Finally the decoder really has to be pretty much zero-beat. A station that
calls even a few hz away will not decode unless you use the screen to
change your RX beat frequency so the received signal lines up with the
vertical line. That an be achieved using the RIT as well but clicking is
probably easier and more accurate.

Hope that helps.

73, Dean 8P2K

*Dean St.Hill*
*Counterpoint Consulting*

CCI on facebook <https://www.facebook.com/counterpointcaribbean/>
*17 Ocean City*


*dmsthill at gmail.com <dmsthill at gmail.com>*
*d <dmsthill at gmail.com>eansthill at ccicaribbean.com
<eansthill at ccicaribbean.com>*

On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 8:15 PM Wayne, W5XD <w5xd at writelog.com> wrote:

> Knowing my first response was not very helpful, here is something that
> occurred to me afterward: If you have your rig set for wider than 500Hz
> bandwidth audio, then "don't do that." Set your rig's filter for no
> wider than 500Hz.
> Wayne
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