[WriteLog] Rig mode changing when setting rig from bandmap

Robert Hess w1rh at yahoo.com
Sun May 3 17:10:41 EDT 2020

 Same here.  12.49E
    On Sunday, May 3, 2020, 08:11:15 AM PDT, Ron Dohmen <ron at n0at.net> wrote:  
 I've been running some of the QSO parties this weekend.  I have the packet
window open and the bandmap window open.  I can click on a call in the
bandmap to set my rig to that frequency and enter the callsign into the call
field.  If the frequency is below 50 KHz in the band (<14050) then it works
as expected.  If the frequency is above 50 KHz in the band (>14050) then
the rig mode changes mode to RTTY.  How do I keep the rig in CW mode when
clicking on a bandmap call high in the band?


73 de Ron N0AT



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