[WriteLog] NV QSO Party

Alan Zack k7acz at cox.net
Tue Oct 27 15:10:55 EDT 2020

OK, FB Steve. Later on today I will download the latest NV QSO party
module and give it a try.
I still don't know why the reflector started rejecting my emails from
Outlook. I've been able to post OK for years, no problem using the
same signature block. I'm not using it now.

WL worked FB for the CQWWDX last weekend.

Alan K7ACZ

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Woodruff 
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 12:40 PM
To: Alan Zack <k7acz at cox.net>; WriteLog Reflector
<writelog at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] NV QSO Party

Hi Alan,

Your previous messages, including from yesterday were rejected:

    List:    WriteLog at contesting.com
    From:    k7acz at cox.net
    Subject: Rejected emails.
    Reason:  Message body is too big: 43471 bytes with a limit of 40

I think you mentioned in the past that you already discovered your
email signature was too large?  That appears to be the case still ...

Onto the NVQP -- I previously posted that this was a bug in the NVQP
module in WriteLog and that I would fix it.  In fact, I have fixed
this and it was sent out to the beta testers late last week.  Its now
accepting those ARRL/RAC sections as it should.


Steve N9OH

On Sun, Oct 25, 2020, at 2:58 AM, Alan Zack wrote:
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> Hope this is not a DUPE. For whatever reason, unknown to me, when 
> using MS Outlook, when I try to send a email or make a reply my
> gets rejected by the writelog server. So I am resending it via MS
> which I normally never use. This is a new problem as I have been
> to make posts for over 10 years.
> To me the major concern is that it would not accept the ARRL
> As you noted it is set up for states as the MULT but should be by 
> sections. When someone would send SJV, SDG, ORG, LAX, EWA, ENY, NNJ,

> MDC, NTX, STX, etc etc as they should WL would reject them. I didn't

> see a work around other than keep a written log on paper and correct

> the final log before submission but that would be a lot of work. I 
> speak from experience. I started contesting before computers. Back 
> then we used a paper log with separate DUPE sheets for each band
> we checked before answering a CQ to be sure it was not a DUPE. You
> see my 1960's Heathkit contest station on my QRZ.COM page. A real
> but not as bad as using RTTY from the cockpit of a C-130. I had 
> several tapes I could run thru the ASR-32 tape reader for my
> reporting, etc. Then the flite mech would come up into the cockpit 
> bringing coffee or box lunches and plant his size 12 boots on my
> as it was running. Fun, Fun. I could  tune onto the API/UPI Intl HF 
> freqs and print out a daily newspaper as we traveled all over the 
> world.
> Alan K7ACZ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: WriteLog On Behalf Of Steve Woodruff
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 06:47 AM
> To: WriteLog Reflector <writelog at contesting.com>
> Cc: Alan Zack <k7acz at cox.net>
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] NV QSO Party
> Hi Alan,
> I wrote the NVQP contest module many years ago and it is likely that

> the county abbreviations have changed but the module hasn't been 
> updated to reflect that.
> In fact, I just went and took a look.... and the county
> are different than they were when I wrote the module, but only 
> slightly.  Now they list them with the NV prefix.  So instead of
> CHU, CLA, etc... it is NVCAR, NVCHU, NVCLA.
> In WriteLog you can go to the contest menu and click 'show
> and it would have shown what the WL-accepted multipliers were and
> could have logged them as CAR, CHU, CLA, etc... and then edit your 
> cabrillo log before submission to add the NV prefix to those county 
> abbreviations.
> I also see that for Nevada stations, you are to log the "ARRL/RAC 
> section" of the non-NV station.  Right now the module is just setup 
> for states/provs.  That'll need to be updated as well to support 
> ARRL/RAC sections instead of states.
> Regardless, i'm sorry this happened to you and anyone who used the 
> NVQP module this year.  I'm going to make an update to the module
> week so that its fixed for 2021.
> Enjoy,
> Steve N9OH
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