[WriteLog] CW Problems.

Gordon LaPoint gordon.lapoint at gmail.com
Sun May 2 10:57:43 EDT 2021

     Sorry, PTT keys and stays keyed (I have an LED on my home brew 
RS232 interface for CW/PTT/FSk, and the Radio is in TX, no CW sent 
unless I hit an F key, then it sends, but stays in TX)
CW Generation is "PC generates".
This hardware combination does work with N1MM and DXLabs for proper CW, 
with OR without PTT being used.  I normally run QSK so no PTT is 
normally used, but did test with the other software to insure my 
hardware is good.  I use the same RS-232 interface for RTTY with TXD for 
FSK and RTS for PTT. I de-select the port in rttyrite when doing CW to 
prevent conflicts.
Gordon - N1MGO

On 5/2/2021 10:30 AM, Ed W0YK wrote:
> Hi, Gordon.
> What does "keys and stays keyed" mean?  PTT or CW keying?  Which CW 
> generation method is selected in WL?
> 73,
> Ed W0YK
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Gordon LaPoint <gordon.lapoint at gmail.com>
> Date: 5/2/21 06:48 (GMT-08:00)
> To: WriteLog <writelog at contesting.com>
> Subject: [WriteLog] CW Problems.
> Hi,
>    I'm setup for the NEQP, SSB works fine.  when I switch to CW the
> radio keys and stays keyed, can not find what I have setup wrong.
> Radio - Kenwood TS590sg   Ports set to COM18 115200  - works fine,
> tracks radio frequency/mode
> CW Options:
> PTT Control (CW Mode ONLY)   None (QSK)   selected (tried "as specified
> in Ports", no difference)
> PTT to CW delay 0
> PC generates sends CW space on startup  - Checked  (also tried unchecked
> - no difference.
> What else should I check?
> This used to work, so don't know what changed except upgraded to 12.59F
> , so downgraded to 12.56c, no change.
> The same hardware setup works with N1MM and DX Labs, so I know the
> hardware is good!!!!
> Thanks,
> Gordon - N1MGO
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