[WriteLog] Stumped on Initial Setup

Karl Kaukis karl at kaukis.com
Sun Jan 23 16:29:38 EST 2022

Trying to set up Writelog for CW with an IC7300 and a Winkeyer3 without

Writelog keys the radio as soon as it comes on when the radio is in CW
mode   Have to switch the radio to SSB to stop transmitting.  Does this
whether I select Winkeyer2, PC generates or make no selection for a keyer.
Tried all the selections for Comm PTT and that does not affect it either.
The Winkeyer works fine in it's demo mode so I don't think that it is
the issue.  I  believe baud rates for com ports are consistent between
radio, PC and Writelog settings. Radio internally is set for straight key.
Writelog reads the radio frequency correctly.  I am thinking something is
wrong in the radio internal setup for writelog application but I sure can't
figure out what it might be.

I am running out of ideas for what next?

Karl Kaukis
12348 Bacchus Road.
Port Charlotte FL 33981
Phone:  405-334-1511
karl at kaukis.com

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