[WriteLog] Digirite from Radio 3 Entry Window

k3sk at buckwalter.co k3sk at buckwalter.co
Wed Jan 18 16:20:11 EST 2023

Help !!!

I think I found a bug in v 12.68H

I’m setting up Writelog for the VHF Sweepstakes this weekend and I can’t get
Digirite to work from the Radio #3 Log Entry window.    I normally use 3 or
more radios for VHF/UHF contests.  This is the main reason I’ve used
Writelog for years, as it is always easy to setup and work multiple radios.
  This past September VHF Contest was the first time I worked a VHF/UHF
contest using digital modes and I was able to have Digirite work well from
the 3 Log Entry windows I used.   It was great and I was happy.

Fast forward to now 

.   I set up Writelog for 3 radios as usual.  

Radio  R  -   Yaesue FT-2000  for 6 meters
Radio  L   -   ICOM IC-9700 for 2m, 70cm & 1296
Radio  3   -   ICOM IC-375A for 222

All of the radios interface correctly, and work as expected for logging
frequency & mode info and callsign/exchange entered in the Logging window. 

When I open Digirite, it works fine with the FT-2000 on Radio R and IC9700
on Radio L.  For the IC-375A on Radio 3, I get a “failed to open wave
input”.   I have attempted many different settings with the Writelog sound
board setup and the little that can be changed in Digirite setup and still
can’t get it working.

If I set up for 4 Radios and put the IC-375A (or any of the others) in Radio
4 and set Radio 3 to ‘manual’ and not use it Digirite works fine from Radio

I have the latest Writelog v12.68H and Digirite v2.2.2.11 versions installed
on Windows 11. 

This worked before with only 3 Radio windows open, but not now.  Any

de K3SK
Dave Buckwalter
FM07 – Farmville VA

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