[WriteLog] UDP Listener ARRL VHF contest

Dana Roode dana.roode at gmail.com
Sat Jun 10 15:48:22 EDT 2023

Well it just started working, I don't know why.  After I had done many
restarts of Writelog and the listener in various sequences with no success,
it works now.  Oh well.


On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 12:40 PM Dana Roode <dana.roode at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've had the UDP listener working with WSJT-X and Writelog before, but no
> joy today for the ARRL VHF contest.  Its running but can't find Writelog:
> Listening on UDP port 2333 this machine only
> NG WriteLog not running "Operation unavailable (Exception from HRESULT:
> 0x800401E3 (MK_E_UNAVAILABLE))"
>  <call:4>WS5N <gridsquare:4>DM54 <mode:3>FT8 <rst_sent:3>-19
> <rst_rcvd:3>-18 <qso_date:8>20230610 <time_on:6>193330
> <qso_date_off:8>20230610 <time_off:6>193430 <band:2>6m <freq:9>50.315526
> <station_callsign:4>K6NR <my_gridsquare:4>DM14 <tx_pwr:3>400
> <operator:4>k6nr <eor>
> NG WriteLog not running "Operation unavailable (Exception from HRESULT:
> 0x800401E3 (MK_E_UNAVAILABLE))"
>  <call:5>KG7CW <gridsquare:4>DN14 <mode:3>FT8 <rst_sent:3>-19
> <rst_rcvd:3>-18 <qso_date:8>20230610 <time_on:6>193608
> <qso_date_off:8>20230610 <time_off:6>193608 <band:2>6m <freq:9>50.315526
> <station_callsign:4>K6NR <my_gridsquare:4>DM14 <tx_pwr:3>400
> <operator:4>k6nr <eor>
> I am running it as Administrator, if that makes any difference.  Any
> suggestions?
>   Dana

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