[WriteLog] OmniRig 2.1 Setup Not Working

k3sk at buckwalter.co k3sk at buckwalter.co
Wed Sep 6 17:17:13 EDT 2023

Trying to set up OmniRig 2.1 for 4 rigs for the VHF contest this weekend.
Under the "Port Setup" I set four OmniRig 2.1 Rig types, as Rig #1, Rig #2,
Rig #3, & Rig #4.    When I try to map each of them to the "Logging/Duping
Frequency for Current Entry Window", only  Rig #1 maps correctly.   The
others have some sort of error that is identical for each selection.  It is
..   "rig(1) on COMM343" 

The actual error can be seen here ---


de K3SK
Dave Buckwalter

FM07 - Farmville VA

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