[WriteLog] UDP Sender not working

Jim W7RY jimw7ry at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 22:29:35 EDT 2023

New rule created by microsoft (without you knowing about it) in your PCs 

73, Jim W7RY

On 9/8/2023 8:03 PM, k3sk at buckwalter.co wrote:
> I have never been as frustrated with a program as much as I have been with
> Writelog this past week.   I have used it for years contesting and have
> never had the issues I'm seeing now.  Everything worked OK for the June VHF
> contest, but not now.
> The latest issue is UDPListener not finding Writelog.   Several times when
> starting UDPListener wouldn't even run.   When it does load and appears to
> run I get the below response when I broadcast from WSJT-X.
> Listening on UDP port 2333 this machine only
> NG WriteLog not running "Operation unavailable (Exception from HRESULT:
> 0x800401E3 (MK_E_UNAVAILABLE))"
> <call:5>CO8ZZ <gridsquare:4>FL10 <mode:3>FT8 <rst_sent:0> <rst_rcvd:0>
> <qso_date:8>20230909 <time_on:6>000510 <qso_date_off:8>20230909
> <time_off:6>000510 <band:2>6m <freq:9>50.315399 <station_callsign:4>K3SK
> <my_gridsquare:4>FM07 <eor>
> Anyone with an idea how to solve this?
> de K3SK
> Dave Buckwalter
> FM07 - Farmville VA
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Thanks and 73, Jim W7RY

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