[WriteLog] WRT (Weekly RTTY Test)

marsh at ka5m.net marsh at ka5m.net
Thu Feb 22 12:15:16 EST 2024

WriteLog currently does not support the WRT.

>From the WRT website: https://radiosport.world/wrt.html
"For other loggers without WRT support, we suggest using the NAQP contest.
Ignore the logger's multiplier count; instead manually count unique
callsigns per session for the multiplier."

Hopefully Wayne will add support for the WRT in the near future.

Marsh KA5M

-----Original Message-----
From: WriteLog <writelog-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of KC4HW
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 10:28 AM
To: writelog at contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] WRT Template?

Is one available?

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