[WWYC] WWYC future
Hrvoje Horvat
Wed, 1 Jan 1997 01:30:18 +0100
this is the mail i got from YL1ZF today, and I really dont know what to =
answer. :-)=20
for a start i'm willing to take over the wwyc homepage and upload the =
activites as others already noticed there's nothing about that subject =
going on on the website (webmaster?!). I read all the very good stuff on =
the #wwyc channel about the acitvity, lot of great stories, i hear a lot =
of WWYCers on the bands but nothing comming here on the list.
There is over 100 members in here, I hear at least 30-40% of them on the =
air at every major contest but nothing to be found here nor anywhere =
I had a hope we can make a strong club with a lot of respect and to be =
able to be one of the wheels in the future contesting period, but I =
guess I'm one of the rare enthusiasts around here?=20
If there's nobody but me we can close down the club. no?
I dont know why to give up from what we achieved so far, and not to =
continue and get this fucking club going, dont just stand there, this =
club wont give you anything if you're not willing to put interest in it, =
neither will any other organization - you dont need to be fantastic a op =
neither good antenna builder, you dont have to know cw, etc, you just =
have to love something.
I had many great moments only because of this club, and friendships that =
I've been making trough this club, and one of them is CQ WPX with 9A5K =
& HA3LN.=20
You should be proud on this great opportunity but without your will =
it'll just stay an opportunity.
73s, Hrle-9A6XX
Hello Hrle (or Lee according to my logbook, hi)
Just few days ago I received mail from YL2PN Peter with some questions =
one of q was do I heard before something about WWYC and maybe I can =
the club. Yes, I told I saw such club in 3830 before but never took an
interest. Seems there are only couple hams who corresponding with club =
in YL at all but if we talking a specially about contesting I can`t =
no one except me, hi..... Already I`m member of LRAL (national society),
Latvian contest club and Liepaja Radio Group. Maybe enought? Then looked =
club homepage, read article about Dan`s&Andy visit (frm your pages) and =
all is fine. But anyway I did not understood what the club members doing =
what they can do together at all because of too large geography... Is =
membership only to become sigboard at club`s internet pages... Tried to =
something about activities (nothing about that subject in wwyc homep) =
that was obortive attempt.. Can you explain me a bit more about club =
and activities. Internet articles in eng and russian (disbelieve you can
find even paragraph in latvian, hi) are welcome...
73! Kas YL1ZF
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