[WWYC] Zz...

Dimitar Terziev Dimitar Terziev" <dimitart@mbox.infotel.bg
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 00:13:01 +0200


9A6NHH wrote:
>Now.. idea from me is to have CW Contest only and no SSB mode...again just
>an idea because taking full band CW&SSB is a bit too much :) who will fill
>all those freqs??

If the contest is only in CW -- then I will not take a part of it!!
Please, I would like to play in that contest and to have fun!
If anyone prefer CW then he is free to work only in CW but let's
to have SSB category! Why CW'ers must to cutting out SSB'ers in that
contest which I hope to be nice and fun.
May be Hrle like CW and QRP, but do you think that I will play in the same
way ? I know.. it will be first WWYC contest and it's normally to haven't
many players, but why to be in CW only? I think when have SSB and CW
they will have more plaiers than CW only!
It can be one contest only for CW and other only for SSB, but it's too much!
One contests - CW & SSB

I'm also born at May. And if the contest is 2nd week then after the contest
follow my birthday... but that's not problem, it will be big party I hope.

And when there's RTTY contest then we can get the band space... OMs will be
happy to listen in CW and SSB how contesting young hams...

>Now.. will go back to listen Christina Aguilera.... What A Girl Wants..
Christina Aguilera - mmmm... sounds good (ha-ha)

KB3AFT wrote:
>Here's another idea for multipliers...how about any age under 30,
>counted once?  So basically you would have a feasable number of max.
>possible multipliers of around 20(ages 10-30), and non WWYC could
>possibly count as multipliers if they are under 30.

Well simple Mults for: WWYC member
                          and non-WWYC under 30 years.

But how other can understand who is member. So my opinion is:
members can send: RST + AGE + letters YC   (example for me: 59 15 YC)
and non members: RST + AGE    (example: 59 15)

a) CW only
b) SSB only
c) Mixed
d) SWL

It's the best simple way I think...

About the loggin: I like the idea of Cedrick - K9YO.
If someone of you was toke part in TARA PSK31 then he know what
Cedrick mean.
Just in one web page fill up the QSO numbers and numbers of random types
mults , then computer calculate your final score, you enter your e-mail for
additional contact and finally click on the "subbmit" button... that's all!
You not send full logs! I think it's good!

that's all from me..I'll go to sleep.

P.S. I like what Goran says:
( pazi da se ne umoris jureci ribe....neces moci sutra da ludujes :0)   )
May be almost all of you not understand it... :)

(Shtastliva Nova Godina priateli ... gledajte vse napred!)
Best Regards & 73,                               dimitart@mbox.infotel.bg
             Dimitar LZ5AZ                  http://www.infotel.bg/~dimitart/

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