[WWYC] Contest results

Thomas - OZ1AA Thomas - OZ1AA" <oz1aa@qsl.net
Thu, 27 Apr 2000 20:12:25 +0200

Hi contesters

Just to get some activity on the reflector, I have collected a few of the top ten finishes
by the club members. Sorry if I have forgot some (I probably have). All the scores
are single operations.

First a big congrats to Mike SM3WMV for winning the the Rookie category!
Mike operated from SK3LH and made 1366 Q's and 1.599.829 points.
In the same contest LY2TA (ex. LY2BTA) finished 3rd in world SO/AB/TS (Tribander
and single element) with 4.334.810 points, and Jason N5NU won US SO/AB/TS with
2.645.461 points. Thats certainly great for all 3 parts!!

LY2BTA placed 3rd again in World SO/AB/TS with 4.534.979.
YZ7EM (maybe Goran 4N7RGH?) placed 4th in the rookie section with
1.443.789 points.

High claimed scores for CQWW DX CW 99
14 MHz High Power:
Number one in the world is LT1F (opr. LU9AY) with 1.204.896 points.
Cool Mats, congrats!

3,5 MHz High Power:
Number 3 world and 2 EU is LY2TA. 397.953 points
Number 7 world is Dave KH2/N2NL. 306.072 points

28 MHz. Low Power:
Number 8 in world and 1 in EU is YU7AL (by 4N7RGH?). 435.708 points - Great Goran!

OK, thats what I have right now. When I find more, I will be back with more info.

BTW it is cool to see that WWYC member Mark N0MJ is going to A5. Good luck and hope
to work you Mark! Wish it was me, but I'm not lucky enough to have a father who are
a DX-man :-(

CU later

Vy 73 de Thomas, OZ1AA

Thomas Andersen - OZ1AA (ex. OZ5DK)
Copenhagen - Denmark
Homepage: www.qsl.net/oz1aa
E-mail: oz1aa@qsl.net
ICQ: 11117622
Member # 1 of "World Wide Young Contesters"
Visit http://home.swipnet.se/contest/wwyc/ to get more info.


dit dit

(CW rules)

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Submissions:              wwyc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  wwyc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-wwyc@contesting.com