[WWYC] a little bit of everything...

Hrle Hrle" <hrle@rkp.ice.hr
Sun, 16 Jan 2000 00:56:51 +0100

hi guys... and girls
at last i find some time and having no problems with e-mail server...
still couldnt open that article message that was sent by Chris, so I beg
Chris to sent it attached to my hrle@rkp.ice.hr address :)
I wondering what happend with that OZ1AA's article he wroted about young eu
contesters... hmmm...
9A7P was active in ARRL RTTY... 562 qsos and 50000 points...
Could be better but it's okey... ;) it was our 1st contest in Y2K and I
think we played really good... activity from NA was really poor (or we didnt
hear anything special) ...i guess that was because of the NAQP.. :(... next
time i hope same mistake will not happen... so only 40 different states were
made on all bands....also having lot of problems because we use 2 PC's and
hand writting log for only 1 OP... :) so.. it becomes quite nasty
sometimes.. :)
Saw Caleb's score, very good job, I'm sorry that I didnt worked him...
WWYC in LOG>>> YU7AL... YZ7EM & 4N7RGH were same category
as 9A5AEI and myself but this time we won... I heard Goran was lazy for
gettin' our of bed... :) thanks for that Goran :) I guess we won easly :)
9A7P with Patrick 9A5AEI will play in Hungarian DX Contest, he will work SO
80m... only on 80m we have chance to work most Hungarians due to km's
between 9A & HA....so I hope Patrick will do his best... I have school on
monday :( so this week no contests for me... but next weekend I'm QRV in UBA
SSB .. will play for some hours.. as I hate SSB I will just collect points
Soon (I'm already late) I will put up new 9A7P Home Page on Inet and also
working on my personal web page.
WWYC Contest... I think rules are not finished yet... we dont have to do any
thinking any more... Jason just have to compare our rules with rules of some
other contest and see if something is missing.. like Points, Deadline etc...
so guys and girls, keep on rolling,
        73 de 9A6NHaHa...
wwyc #0003

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