[WWYC] My score
Mikael Larsmark (SM3WMV // SM3W)
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 16:11:42 +0100
Thank you WWYC for many qso's. I dont remember all the stations
I worked but I think I worked pretty many of you. I heard Thomas,
OZ1AA but he was S&Ping.
Very nice conds on Saturday which resulted in a bit over 2000
qso's and as I remembered it about 400 mults (countries + zones),
very very good start, it was a record phase but then it happend! No
not only the aurora. My stomach gave up! I had to go to the toilet
every five minutes and the toilet visit took about 15 minutes.....It
was just one thing to do, I had to sleep! After two hours of sleep I
tried again but I was almost screaming of pain, no idea to even
try.....I went to bed for another two hours, well let's try again but it
was the same thing again. Well, I went downstairs and drank some
tea and after 4 more hours of sleep I was ok again and ready for
action (very hungry though, all the food loss). Now it was aurora
and the bands didnt feel the same as the day before.
My contest experience is that I ALWAYS work more qsos and
mults the second day. It is my motivation but this time it didnt
come true, it was the way it should be. I went to SL3ZV two days
before the contest start which was very good. I started to fix the
station on Thursday evning and before I knew it the clock had
passed midnight, time to get some sleep.
The day after I had A LOT of job to do. Build a new 2 radio switch (I
lost mine), fix all the stuff with the antennas......station layout +
1000 of more stuff to do. Finally at about 8oclock in the evning all
was done. I had the homemade amp go on 160-20m and the L4B
on 15 and 10m. I didnt get the voice keyer working so I had to use
the TS850 as runner and switch the amps when using 15 and 10m,
this was not a good thing to do but the only thing to do.
The contest started very well:
0 1 2 0 125 0 0 128 128
1 18 0 0 117 0 0 135 263
2 3 50 16 0 0 0 69 332
3 30 1 15 14 0 0 60 392
4 0 1 0 120 0 0 121 513
5 0 0 12 101 0 0 113 626
6 0 2 91 0 2 0 95 721
7 0 0 0 4 46 41 91 812
8 0 0 0 1 1 112 114 926
9 0 0 0 1 39 68 108 1034
10 0 0 0 8 137 0 145 1179
1179 qsos after 10 hours of operating, I was in for a real thrill but as
I said, my stomach gave up and also the conds. Except for the first
steady 10 hours the contest was very strange. One hour I had 28
qsos on 15m and the next I had 104......
I worked 54 Ja's in the whole contest, sooooooo bad!. SL3ZV is not
a JA qth. I dont know what it is but both me and SM3JLA think that
it's not good to JA. We can work JA but they are almost never loud!
But against NA the location is soooooooo goood!!
This contest was as I said weird, I worked 1400 qso's with EU and
1162 with NA.
There is a possibillity that some of the stuff in my summary is
wrong, I havent had time to go trough the log yet.......
Team/Club : WWYC (World Wide Young Contesters)
** Under 21 Years! **
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points
Countries Zones
160SSB 126 126 141 37 7
80SSB 117 117 127 43 10
40SSB 263 263 468 59 19
20SSB 927 927 2354 88 26
15SSB 828 828 1490 94 29
10SSB 780 780 1633 99 29
Totals 3041 3041 6213 420 120
Final Score = 3355020 points.
PS. I havent removed the dupes, there are around
80 dupes I think.
The 2 radio stuff worked pretty well, I made
about 150 2nd radio qsos, I didnt concentrate to
work anything else then mults and really loud
stations (dont want to be stuck in a pile
without an amp). I didnt have time to fix the
2radio swith to 100% so I had to use 2
microphones......My mults werent good
The low bands were almost all S&P qsos and 2nd
radio qsos.....Nice opening on 40m to NA, worked
about 70 NA's in a short time before I went to
15 to try working JA's but without any
success.....Any else with a bigger score who
will apply for under 21 years?
A very fun contest......IG9A and CN8WW were very
loud on 160-10m!
73 // Mike (SM3WMV // SM3W)
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