Kenneth E. Harker kharker@cs.utexas.edu
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 17:12:27 -0600

          2001 ARRL 10 Meter Contest 

    Contest Dates : 15-Dec-01, 16-Dec-01
    Callsign Used : K5TR
         Operator : WM5R
          Station : K5TR
          Section : STX
          Country : United States

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   10SSB    3122        3004       6008      62        74 

 Totals     3122        3004       6008      62        74 

    Final Score = 817,088 points.

Station K5TR:
  Kenwood TS-850SAT
  Kenwood TS-850SAT (receiver only)
  Ameritron AL-1500
  6-element yagi @ 30' fixed NE
  4-element yagi @ 60' rotatable
  12 meter dipole @ 40' fixed N-S
  Ameritron RCS-8V antenna switch
  AKG headset with Heil boom
  W9XT contest card
  TR Log 6.60

     This was my second serious single-operator contest effort, and my 
first ever QSOs in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest.  Before now, I've mostly 
been doing multi-ops and the occasional single-band effort.  I have a lot
to learn.  

     George had the station set up and ready to go when I arrived.  All
we had to do was plug in the cables and turn stuff on about a half hour 
before the start.  He rigged up to the two radios so that the "second"
radio would key (switch from receive to transmit) when the "first" radio
transmitted, but wouldn't send out a signal.  This enabled me to use it
as a second receiver, even on my own transmit frequency, without worrying
about blowing out the front end.  In fact, I ended up using it almost 
exclusively on my own frequency with the audio mixing box putting the run
radio in the right ear and the receive-only radio in the left.  The receive-
only radio was connected to a (really ugly) WARC band dipole with drooping 
ends that George had erected out of PVC and wire for some Pactor thing 
he's doing.  There were many, many times when that antenna picked up signals 
that the transmit antennas were not hearing at all.  This especially happened
on weak South Americans, as my two transmit antennas were usually pointed 
NE and NW.  It was interesting to hear the fading differences in each ear
on signals.  I think because the receive-only antenna was at a different
height and had some vertical sense to it, that may have also helped.  But,
of course, most of the time the yagis heard better, and I often listened 
exclusively on them when running Europe or Japan.

     I'd only ever had a half dozen or so 100-hours in contests before this 
weekend, mostly in the Sweepstakes.  This rate thing is still very new to
me.  I know I don't have the timing down right yet.

     On Saturday morning, I think during the 1600 or 1700 hour, I was 
running stations on 28.337.5 or thereabouts, and discovered that 28.337.0
is the "Ohio Ragchewer's Net" frequency.  All these 8's started calling
one another on top of me, I told them the frequency was in use, and then 
they got upset that I was there.  ("He thinks that just because it's a 
contest, he owns the frequency," and a little later, "We've met here every 
day for twenty years!"  I doubt they considered the irony.)  They stuck 
around for half an hour, harassing me and eventually telling me that they 
would go to 12 meters as soon as I would pause to take a breath and let 
them pick a frequency to move to.  Finally, I called their bluff and 
paused for like fifteen or twenty seconds, during which there was this 
profound silence.  I then continued to call CQ and they left after another ten 
minutes of harassment.

     Outside of this incident, I was hassled at least a little bit almost 
every daylight hour during the contest weekend.  Mostly carriers, whistles,
random barking noises, and the like, but one dim bulb came on frequency
near the start and kept shouting "No test! No test!" and "It's against
the law!"  None of it was really terrible.  One of the worst problems I had
was way up the band on Sunday, near 28.880 working Europe when someone came up
on the band and began to ragchew, and their crappy signal tore up several
hundreds of kHz of the spectrum.  I never did find them, so after a while, 
I found a better frequency down low (where I had to deal with Indonesian taxi 
cab drivers and Spanish speaking CBers on AM, but they were a very low grade 
annoyance) and my rate picked up again.

     The only S&P I did was in the mornings before I started calling CQ 
to Europe.  Both mornings, the first non-CTDXCC signal I heard was in
Brazil.  Two things surprised me.  Stations in the 1200 hour had to be about
S3 on the TS-850's meter before they could begin to hear me.  I don't 
know if this is a propagation thing, being on the pre-dawn side of the 
greyline, if the station and/or I hear unusually well on quiet bands, or
if the other stations were all deaf or what.  It was very frustrating,
because I could hear them all very well.  The other thing that surprised 
me was how soon after hearing Brazil, Puerto Rico, etc. that I began hearing
Europe.  Europe came through just five or ten minutes after the stations
in South America and the Caribbean.

     I did not experience any Eskip or other openings after the band closed 
on Saturday or Sunday night.  Sunday night, in particular, the band closed 
early and hard.  The only stations I worked were locals.  On Saturday I 
worked one W4 on what I think was a meteor ping.

     I briefly had the "Last 60" total in TR over 200, but it didn't
work out to an even hour of over 200.  

     I did not work a single station signing /N or /T.  I did work one /AE.
  ----  ------   -----   -----
    0     128     128     128
    1      85      85     213
    2      64      64     277
    3      12      12     289
    4       2       2     291
    5       2       2     293
    6       0       0     293
    7       0       0     293
    8       0       0     293
    9       0       0     293
   10       0       0     293
   11       0       0     293
   12      10      10     303
   13     103     103     406
   14     144     144     550
   15     162     162     712
   16     191     191     903
   17     187     187    1090
   18     179     179    1269
   19     151     151    1420
   20     110     110    1530
   21     134     134    1664
   22     107     107    1771
   23     109     109    1880

    0      76      76    1956
    1      39      39    1995
    2       0       0    1995
    3       3       3    1998
    4       0       0    1998
    5       3       3    2001
    6       0       0    2001
    7       0       0    2001
    8       0       0    2001
    9       0       0    2001
   10       0       0    2001
   11       0       0    2001
   12      10      10    2011
   13      57      57    2068
   14     112     112    2180
   15     102     102    2282
   16      88      88    2370
   17      81      81    2451
   18     116     116    2567
   19     108     108    2675
   20      93      93    2768
   21     101     101    2869
   22      72      72    2941
   23      63      63    3004

  TOTAL  3004  

      Continent List  

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    30    17    12    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0     0     0     0     0  1837     0     0     0   1837
  VE calls    =      0     0     0     0     0   138     0     0     0    138
  N.A. calls  =      0     0     0     0     0    23     0     0     0     23
  S.A. calls  =      0     0     0     0     0    53     0     0     0     53
  Euro calls  =      0     0     0     0     0   676     0     0     0    676
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     0     0     0    10     0     0     0     10
  Asia calls  =      0     0     0     0     0    16     0     0     0     16
  JA calls    =      0     0     0     0     0   209     0     0     0    209
  Ocen calls  =      0     0     0     0     0    42     0     0     0     42

  Total calls =      0     0     0     0     0  3004     0     0     0   3004

Multiplier Distribution
   1.           Ca  233
   2.           JA  209
   3.           Ny  149
   4.           DL  112
   5.           Va  106
   6.           Oh   95
   7.           Pa   94
   8.           Wa   85
   9.           Nj   81
  10.           Ma   80
  11.            I   78
  12.           Mi   77
  13.           Il   73
  14.           Md   73
  15.            G   68
  16.           Tx   63
  17.           Mn   55
  18.           Wi   53
  19.            F   52
  20.           On   50
  21.           Or   47
  22.           Ct   43
  23.           Fl   41
  24.           Nc   40
  25.           OK   34
  26.           SP   29
  27.           UA   29
  28.           Bc   28
  29.           EA   28
  30.           In   28
  31.           LU   27
  32.           Nh   26
  33.           ON   26
  34.           UR   25
  35.           Wv   24
  36.           YU   20
  37.           Vt   19
  38.           S5   19
  39.           PY   19
  40.           Co   18
  41.           VK   17
  42.           Ok   17
  43.           Mt   17
  44.           Nv   16
  45.           Ks   14
  46.           Ut   14
  47.           Ab   13
  48.           PA   13
  49.           Id   13
  50.           Ri   13
  51.           Qc   12
  52.           HA   12
  53.           De   12
  54.           9A   11
  55.           Az   11
  56.           Nd   11
  57.           Tn   11
  58.           Hi   10
  59.           Me   10
  60.           LZ   10
  61.           HB   10
  62.           SM   10
  63.           Nb    9
  64.           Ak    9
  65.           Al    9
  66.           EI    9
  67.           Ky    9
  68.           Sk    9
  69.           HL    8
  70.           Mb    8
  71.           GM    8
  72.           ZL    7
  73.           Mo    7
  74.           CT    7
  75.           Ia    6
  76.          KP4    6
  77.           GW    6
  78.           OM    6
  79.           Dc    6
  80.           OH    6
  81.           Ns    6
  82.           Ne    6
  83.           YO    5
  84.           YL    5
  85.           OZ    5
  86.           Nm    5
  87.           Ga    5
  88.          UA9    4
  89.           DU    4
  90.           Ar    4
  91.           La    4
  92.           OE    4
  93.           LY    4
  94.           ES    4
  95.           LA    4
  96.           Sc    4
  97.           Wy    4
  98.           Ms    4
  99.          CT3    3
 100.           Sd    3
 101.           YV    3
 102.           YB    2
 103.           CX    2
 104.           FM    2
 105.           LX    2
 106.           CN    2
 107.           Z3    2
 108.           ER    2
 109.           ZS    2
 110.           GI    2
 111.           TI    2
 112.           BY    2
 113.           P2    1
 114.           9V    1
 115.          EA8    1
 116.           TK    1
 117.          VP5    1
 118.           T9    1
 119.          HB0    1
 120.           3V    1
 121.           TF    1
 122.           9Q    1
 123.           CE    1
 124.           Yt    1
 125.           XE    1
 126.           IS    1
 127.          EA6    1
 128.           P4    1
 129.           CM    1
 130.           HZ    1
 131.           SV    1
 132.           EU    1
 133.          KP2    1
 134.           6Y    1
 135.           Nf    1
 136.           Nt    1

Kenneth E. Harker      "Vox Clamantis in Deserto"      kharker@cs.utexas.edu
University of Texas at Austin                   Amateur Radio Callsign: WM5R
Department of the Computer Sciences      VP, Central Texas DX & Contest Club
Taylor Hall TAY 2.124                         Maintainer of Linux on Laptops
Austin, TX 78712-1188 USA            http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/

FAQ on WWW:               http://lists.contesting.com/wwyc-faq.htm
Submissions:              wwyc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  wwyc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-wwyc@contesting.com