[WWYC] WWYC DXped Application

Csaba NAGY ha3ln@freemail.hu
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 17:24:26 +0100

Hi All,

Will the aplications public before the selection???
...on the web for example???


----- Original Message -----
From: Hrvoje Horvat <hrle@ipazin.net>
To: <wwyc@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 2:11 PM
Subject: [WWYC] WWYC DXped Application

Hey WWYCers,
I see hot subject as DXped chilled out slowly, but that doesnt mean nothing
is happening. I adviced with Jeff, N1SNB about the application and we came
up to a couple of conclusions.
The team will probably be consisted of around 6 members, and the costs per
person will be around 1500 USD at maximum. Also, the budget will be around
8000-9000 USD, so the plans are not doing anything close like EA8ZS M/M, but
this is a good way to start.
As Jeff is willing to support the DXped with nice amount of money as well as
equipment some final words will be his own, and I believe this is something
we can all agree about. That's why he will do the choosing the team, as
somehow somebody's gotta do it. So people, it's up to you to present
yourself with this application.

And yes, your money status wont be the main reason for getting into team,
but a lot of good will and work sure will.

Deadline is 10th January, and probable traveling time is summer, August.
Application can be found on:

Please, be serious about this.
73 to all, 9A6XX

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