[WWYC] bug on website?

Franki @ ON5ZO.be franki@on5zo.be
Sat 21 Dec 2002 20:39:43 +0100

Hello to all...

I just posted my ARRL 10m score on the WWYC site as 'M/S' but the result was 'SOAB QRP (24h)'. I guess there's something wrong there. Maybe this can be fixed? TNX!

'M/S', what a pain, in fact I was 'SO CW LP assisted' - but I kinda forgot that packet counts for the second operator in this contest! Should have read the 'categories' in the rules a bit closer. Have to change the Cabrillo and re-submit the log. Now I'm between the guys who ran mostly HP and did mixed mode.

What do you guys think of this? I think most ops that are 'assisted' just submit as SO. Wouldn't it be nice if there was an assisted category in every contest? Then everyone can compete in his own category. To me packet makes it more fun, and mostly I compete against myself (small pistolero station).

Sure would like to know what you think of 'assisted category' versus M/S.

- Franki ON5ZO