Hrvoje Horvat
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 22:54:48 +0200
Hello people,
I sent infos to LZ5AZ about summer plans, anyhows that is not yet on the =
web so i will put the infos i collected for IARU Contest here.
Here we go,...
NR3X - by N4YDU - category unknown
DL0OO - by DL1MUC from DL0OO - CW mode
OH4U - OZ1AA and OH3RM - M/S
KL7Y - by KL9A - CW HP
ON5ZO - chasing WRTC stations, hopefully also WWYCers :-)
FG/DK1MM - Stefan operating from Guadeloupe
9A5K - Chris from 9A9D station
9A7P or 9A6XX - by 9A6XX MIX from 9A7P
9A5Y - by 9A5AGL - unknown category
M2Z - M5RIC at M/S
LX2AJ - testing equipment
SP2PIK - SQ4GXO maybe from SP2PIK club
and I believe few more :-) at HQs=20
WWYC members at WRTC (OJxx):
N6MJ with N2NL
LY2TA with LY1DS
G0MTN goes there as referee!
There will be also OZ1AA, OH3RM (he's in charge for summer camp - if you =
need smoke sauna ask him :-) ), OH5JOC and probably some of the S5 young =
Hope you'll all have great time up there!=20
Guys at 9A1P worked VHF contest last weekend, team was quite big with 2 =
DL ops, DL4FCS and DB8UKW (not sure about 2nd call :-)).
But they had a lot of problems with amplifier and condx on 6m were bad.
165,000 pts on VHF and around 50,000 on 6m.
Congratulations to 9A5Y (with 9A5AGL on 2m) setting up new 9A 2m record =
of 277,000 pts. Those that works VHF knows how hard is that.
73s for now, and hopefully see you down the log on the weekend!
Hrle - 9A6XX
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