Kresimir Kovarik kreso@kreso.com
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 08:22:03 MET

It seems that there will be a lot WWYC activity during this one..

Just want to say that I'll be Single OP / Mixed Mode.
Call is 9A5K and I'll operating from 9A9D location.

I will try SO2R for the first time, so, it will be interesting.

Equipment as follows:
St. 1 - Kenwood TS690S + Alpha 78 
St. 2 - Kenwood TS690S + FL 2277B 

160m - T-vertical
 80m - Vertical + INV V
 40m - 3 ele. DELTA LOOP dir. USA + INV V
 20m - 5 ele. YAGI @ 25m 
 15m - 6 ele. YAGI @ 17m
 10m - 5 ele. YAGI @ 12m fixed North, 3 ele. LOOP fixed West

New antenna system for 10m is almost ready, but couldn't finish it
this time..

Hope to work many WWYC'ers...

Chris - 9A5K / K5CRO!

>Hello people,
>I sent infos to LZ5AZ about summer plans, anyhows that is not yet on the web
so i will put the infos i collected for IARU Contest here.
>Here we go,...
>NR3X - by N4YDU - category unknown
>DL0OO - by DL1MUC from DL0OO - CW mode
>OH4U - OZ1AA and OH3RM - M/S
>KL7Y - by KL9A - CW HP
>ON5ZO - chasing WRTC stations, hopefully also WWYCers :-)
>FG/DK1MM - Stefan operating from Guadeloupe
>9A5K - Chris from 9A9D station
>9A7P or 9A6XX - by 9A6XX MIX from 9A7P
>9A5Y - by 9A5AGL - unknown category
>M2Z - M5RIC at M/S
>LX2AJ - testing equipment
>SP2PIK - SQ4GXO maybe from SP2PIK club
>and I believe few more :-) at HQs 
>WWYC members at WRTC (OJxx):
>N6MJ with N2NL
>LY2TA with LY1DS
>DL1IAO with DK3GI
>G0MTN goes there as referee!
>There will be also OZ1AA, OH3RM (he's in charge for summer camp - if you need
smoke sauna ask him :-) ), OH5JOC and probably some of the S5 young gang.
>Hope you'll all have great time up there! 
>Guys at 9A1P worked VHF contest last weekend, team was quite big with 2 DL
ops, DL4FCS and DB8UKW (not sure about 2nd call :-)).
>But they had a lot of problems with amplifier and condx on 6m were bad.
>165,000 pts on VHF and around 50,000 on 6m.
>Congratulations to 9A5Y (with 9A5AGL on 2m) setting up new 9A 2m record of
277,000 pts. Those that works VHF knows how hard is that.
>73s for now, and hopefully see you down the log on the weekend!
>Hrle - 9A6XX
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