N1snb@aol.com N1snb@aol.com
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 22:55:50 EDT


Super!  I will be on in force.  Good luck and hopefully after we can share 
some post game comments with the group!

Here's what I will be running:

This wont be a SO2R but close too it, given all the angles needed to cover 
for a multi mode I will have two rigs set up; 

Radio 1- Yaseu FT-840 20/40/80

20m Delta loop NE/SW, Phased Quarter Wave Verts on 40m, 80m Dipole plus 38ft 
shortened vertical

Radio 2- Yaesu FT-1000 (MP-V) 20/15/10

20/15/10 Tribaner, AV-5 vertical

My goal is 1500 QSO's.

Definetly look for me late night CQing high in the band on 40/80 on CW, For 
40 and 80 SSB, I will be making brief trips on the top of each hour during 
darkness.  I will have one radio on 20m SSB all night. During the day, I will 
have one rig always on 20 and the other on 15 or 10 on the opposite mode to 
20.  If conditions warrant (which seems unlikely,) I will have one rig on 15 
and the other on 10!

Good luck!

73 Jeff

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