[WWYC] IOTA Contest !

Hrvoje Horvat hrle@ipazin.net
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 21:37:24 +0200

Hey people!

Woow, what an activity in the mailing list, it was fun to watch. =
Specialy that few of you met in OH last week. #wwyc is also quite active =
so take time to get there!!!
Just wanted to give out a note that I'll be SO 24h CW (100W) during IOTA =
Contest from 9A7P club.
We wont be active from island as guys from 9A1P are busy and have no =
time to do DXped on EU110 with us.
Anyway I'm sure this will be fun, I'll probably be active as 9A7P.=20
CU down the log!
Hrle - 9A6XX

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