Hrvoje Horvat
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 15:09:55 +0200
Too bad HA3LN had to skip the contest because of the work, but I hope to =
see him ready in WAE CW.=20
A lot of WWYCers acitve, just too bad I worked N4C only on 40m (I was =
lucky to hear HRLE out of QRM, otherwise I wouldnt be so sure I was =
logged...hehe), I heard them on 20m many times and I think once on 15m =
but the pile was just too big to break it in, condx seemed to be quite =
Some of you never came to CW but those that came were logged in, DL7FER =
had a big numbers when we had QSOs, I wonder what category was that? =
Also worked OZ0RM few times, after chasing them few times for more then =
5 minutes, huge pile ups also. I'm sure they had fun cause on this side =
pile ups sounded ssccccaaaaarrrryyyyyy :-)
G0MTN came in quite loud on 10m, but didnt catch him on other bands, tho =
I heard him greets the OZ0RM team on 80m, I was just somewhere deep =
under in the pile :-)
9H3D worked SSB only?
Spend whole 24hours chatting with 9A5Y boy 9A5AGL, he did incredible =
work as SO24h SSB HP. I doubt there is someone that will beat him? He =
has way over 300 mults on SSB only. And I think even more then 4M =
points? This would be a good score also for M/S :-)
But we never worked of course :(=20
DJ1YFK bite me again with his QRP singal, hopefully from 8Q7ZZ he'll be =
using normal power. Was nice to work VE3ZIK (4N1DX), and there was some =
known face under YT7W (I wonder who was that??).....9K9O as well in the =
log. I 1st time heard our WWYCer in China, BI4J but after some chasing =
couldnt reach them, so instead I worked BI5H, they were easier catch.
I probably forgot few more guys? But the hell with it, I just hope to =
hear as much WWYCers as there was this weekend in WAE.=20
There is EUHFC this upcoming weekend but I think it's better to spend =
this time on the beach this weekend. 3 weekend of contests sound a bit =
too hard for me.
Broke my personal record in IOTA, I was in toilet only once and once =
went up the roof to see if antennas are still up (but the condx were =
actually poor) so I heard very little on 20m.
Also first time used white coffee in the morning and I must say it =
helped. I didnt notice any blackouts of my brain.
IOTA Contest
Call: 9A7P
Operator(s): 9A6XX
Station: 9A7P
Class: SO24CW LP
QTH: EU000
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Band CW Qs CW Mults Ph Qs Ph Mults
80: 116 36 0 0
40: 256 54 0 0
20: 280 68 0 0
15: 236 59 0 0
10: 123 27 0 0
Total: 1011 244 0 0 Total Score =3D 1,840,980
Club: Worldwide Young Contesters
TS440S (100w) + 2 el. QUAD 20,15 and 10m + dipoles 40 and 80m
F6IRF wrote "Enjoyed this contest, which purpose seems to remind the =
world that
UK is an island! (nasty froggy humor;-) ". This comment says it all.
My unique complaint is that it's quite sad and unsportsmanlike behavior =
of M/S
DXpeds to answer my (non-IOTA station) CQ but after I (non-IOTA =
station)sent the
report and the number without IOTA reference they're just GONE! This =
happend to
me more then few times.
Also, many of DXpeds are spending time CQing on SSB portion and they're
searching the CW band only for new mults. How am I suppose to work =
Is this the lack of CW ops?? Only CBers in this one.
Thanks to UA/SP stations for making IOTA fun for me.
CU in REAL contest in less then 2 weeks! QTC?
Hrle - 9A6XX
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