[WWYC] Russian DX Contest this weekend!!?!!

Hrvoje Horvat hrle@ipazin.net
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 21:54:04 +0100

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Hello all,
as my stupid worthless brain was sure RDXC is not this weekend but weekend before WPX I missed the rules date where it clearly says 3rd weekend of March.
So far it was always weekend before WPX but this time March has 5 full weekends. That means I'm outta RDXC as many plans already got involved for this weekend instead of next one.
What a blow for me... 
Ahhh.. what to say.. there's always next year!
I'll show up and make few qsos that's for sure but ... yeah now I'm really sad!

To all those who will play I wish good luck!
Hrle - 9A6XX