[WWYC] An Introduction

N1snb@aol.com N1snb@aol.com
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 15:10:39 EST

Hi Guys,

I just stumbled upon your webpage the other night. I am 22 years and a ham and a contester. My name is Jeff Demers, N1SNB. I was excited to see that you guys have formed a club.
I am a senior in college in Boston, majoring in History.  I have been fairly active in contesting since I was first licensed more than 7 years ago.  I have recently operated under the call(s) of KB1SO, W1GQ, K1ZR, K1RX and of course my own, N1SNB. Check your logs, I probably owe you a qsl or two.
My personal station is in Manchetser, New Hampshire.  I have a Yaesu FT-1000 and also a FT-840. My antennas:
160- Inverted V; 80 loaded 25' foot vertical; 40m phased 1/4 wave verts -switchable; 20m Delta Loop at 40 feet; 15m @10m 3ele monobanders fixed at Europe at 40 feet and 50; plus an R7000 vertical. I always run lowpower. 
I am very interested in learning all about your group and becoming an active member.  
73 Jeff