[WWYC] WPX CW 2002
Hrvoje Horvat
Wed, 15 May 2002 18:28:51 +0200
Hey folks...=20
I was QRV in latest contests and ARI, CQM were real fun.
Lots of WWYCers (EU ones)!
Anyway this was all just fun, but now it's party time. WPX CW is comming =
in less then 2 weeks.=20
So dudes, what are your plans? And what do you think about condx?
Here we are as usually making small WWYC team (rare 9A9 prefix, as =
9A9D), yet so far we're sure for this ops:=20
HA3LN, 9A5K and myself with possabilty of 9A5TO.
This location is somewhere between me and HA3LN, about 350km north-east =
from 9A7P and more or less that many south-west from HA3LN.=20
We'll all meet in Zagreb (9A capital city) on Thursday (for some disco =
and HA3LN said johnny walkers :-))) ) and then head for our location =
about 100km more on east after we wake up on Friday along with our team =
leader Chris, 9A5K.
With our score we'll try to stick as close to 9A7A as possible and take =
for a solid score in EU. We're still not sure about the amps but antenna =
system will look somthing like this:
5 ele mono 10m, 6 ele mono 15m and 5 ele mono 20m. 15m and 20m are =
looong monos with 15m booms.
On 40m we have space reserved for some delta loops, and nothing extra =
large on 80/160m just to be noticed on the band.
Our goal is fun, fun and more fun!
Hear you on the bands!
WPX CW 2002 9A9D Team
73 de 9A6XX, Lee
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