SM3WMV Mikael sm3wmv@hotmail.com
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 16:15:05 +0000

Hello boys/girls (especially Chris...:))

It was tough up north! I got so tired of contesting when I turned on the rig 
at 23:35 and noticed the big aurora. Than about 5 minutes before the start 
when I was going to tune the 2nd amp for 80m I noticed that the 4 Square had 
given up. I got tired of it and entered the contest SOSB 40M. I had lots of 
offtime, drank beer and talked with the guys instead (Yes Oli...I did the 
sixpack =)). Worked about 28 hours, mostly SP and got about 700q's, 31z and 

I think that all people in the world should try to work a contest from the 
north when its aurora, it would really be an experience. Even how much 
aluminium you got in the air, it dosent make any difference. I had a 4el 
fullsize mono @53m and over a kw in power and couldnt get runs going! Most 
of the q's were i S&P. Geez Im tired of contesting from here...wanna go to 
EA8 or something! It was so frustrating listening to SK3W working JA's and 
NA when I couldnt even hear them!

Dont you agree Chris?!?

//Mike (SM3WMV // SM3W)

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