[WWYC] WAG score & CQWW plans

Grzegorz Gaweł / SQ4NR ggawel@poczta.onet.pl
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 23:27:23 +0200

Hello WWYCers!

I was QRV in one of my favourite contest last weekend. It was my 3rd WAG,
the score is much higher than last years.

Worked All Germany Contest

Call: SQ4NR
Operator(s): SQ4NR
Station: SP4KSY

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 19

 Band  CW Qs  SSB Qs  Mults
   80:  145      0      23
   40:  182      0      23
   20:  138      0      23
   15:   33      0      15
   10:   20      0      10
Total:  518      0      94  Total Score = 146,076

Club: Worldwide Young Contesters


IC-725 + PA (80-20m)
R7000 (40-10m), dipole 80m

Worked some WWYCers during the contest:
DL5RMH (2 BANDS), DJ9AO (2) , DL1MGB (1) , DJ1YFK (3 bands...! FB signal
It was very hard to catch DL station on 15 and 10 meters from NE Poland with
vertical ant... PA on low bands was about 300W, 100W on 15 and 10m.
Thanks for Q's and mults.


CQWW SSB plans?
I'll move to Koniewo for SN4L (SP4KEV) for M/M operation. There'll be some
older OPs so no WWYC club entry this time.

I think we'll QRV with:
160m - inv V, GP
80m - dipole, GP
40m - rotary dipole, dipole, delta loop (V)
20m - 3ele yagi
15m - 5*5 yagi
10m - 6ele yagi

TS-850 (3), TS-690 + PAs

Hope I'll meet other WWYCer there: Donata SP5HNK (YL)
Hope catch you all !
Good luck guys...

Greg SQ4NR

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