[WWYC] one noticeable hint
Hrvoje Horvat
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 21:05:32 +0200
I've got fast response from LY2TA about M/2 problem.
Maybe it can happen to you also so dont forget to check this before =
entering contest in M/2. It seems that this "new" category will be VERY =
crowded with best M/S and M/M guns (at least what I've heard, but gotta =
keep it secret).
LY2TA wrote:
In ArrL we were moved to M/M because we
forgot to set up N6TR to show which QSO made
RADIO1 and which QSO made radio2.
So N1ND write me letter and ask to mark R1 or R2
to each QSO. I told him NO POSSIBLE.
So we were moved to M/M :-)
I forgot to add 9A5K's team 9A1A result: 2nd place in M/M category =
kicked by first placed germans MD/DL5AXX. However 9A1A got their plaque =
for "EU - Multi Unlimited" as Germans got their plaque for "World - =
Multi Unlimited". Weird but true :-) I saw this in few other contests.=20
Hrle - 9A6XX
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