[WWYC] Re: Sections

Grzegorz SQ4NR sq4nr@wp.pl
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 19:34:03 +0100

You're right! Large countries there should have more coordinators. I think
it's realy flexible and depends on us.

Greg SQ4NR

> I agree with the fact that having sections would be a good idea.  However,
> think that having two sections on some of the larger countries would be an
> even better idea.  Take the United States for example...it is a pretty
> country.  We could have two sections with their respective coordinators.
> This would make it easier for a group to 'sell' WWYC (I say sell as in try
> to get members).  It is simply much to large to handle in one section.
> Just my two cents.  KB in the next contest!
> 73', de Mike DeChristopher, KB1FWN
> www.qsl.net/kb1fwn