[WWYC] Sections explanations
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 13:17:19 +0100
I see that something I suggested has not been understood in the right way.
I only suggested that an SC SHOULD be only member of the WWYC; this condition would only be considered for any SC candidate. Anyone, nor me, wants that a WWYCers should have WWYC as exclusive membership, everyone is free to be member of the DX and Contest Groups he prefers. Someone has called it a conflict of interest... by the way, this rule would guarantee that the work of an SC should addressed to the direct interests of WWYC.
But if anyone feels that this is not a good idea, we should not consider this proposal I made! So, in this way, there wouldn't any vinculation on the memberships a specific operator (and so also an SC) has... By the way I think that maybe the only requirement for an SC is to have at least 5 years to spend on WWYC before entering Hall of Fame...
Someone has criticized the Sections ideas saying that WWYC has a good informal shape. Well, that's right and WE WANT to keep this status. SC are nothing political you can think about. It is only a charge given to some volunteers to promote WWYC and no one can get any privilege being an SC! This should sound like a political party! We don't want this.
The spirit of the SC institution is to keep growing our community... and any SC will not say nothing if someone invite a newcomer to join, although he is not an SC. Keep growing the Club is a purpose every one has... but an SC would only be a reference point, not a strictly Public Relations operator, just only a person who thinks that he can meet new members and help them to join the Club. So, keep talking about the Club, is the best way to show how is our way of operating.
I hope that about this story I've been enough clear. Anyway, my experience says that is good to keep talking, if something is misunderstood.
Someone else has considered that some areas are not covered; yes, some places have a fewer ham population, but if someone of the uncovered areas feel that he should do something good, Hrle will draw as
f the SCs and the areas.
By the way I don't agree to reduce the number of SCs... the spirit of the innovation is that the peculiarities of each region must be preserved, and a Coordinator should be so sensitive to understand and to have the maximum result from these peculiarities... Areas or regions, as you prefer, are clusers of DXCCs with something in common. Benelux is not a division we established, is a political entity first af all! Latin Europe has operators who can share about the same culture, language and operating skills. I don't feel to have the same way of operating as G or DL operators, although we are Western Europeans... Positively or negatively we do our hobby in different ways. And this plurality is what we have to consider as our first objective.
I don't want to flat WWYC in areas... just want to express the idea that SC and local activity would help WWYC to grow, expand and have great results. What we are doing now is great, just look for more!
I'm always here to discuss!
Tony, IZ3ESV WWYC #162 Latin Europe SC Candidate (until something official is decided!)