[WWYC] UBA DX contest
Franki @ ON5ZO.be
Sat 18 Jan 2003 17:42:11 +0100
Hello guys
Just to tell you that next weekend, January 25+26, the annual UBA DX SSB contest takes place. It's a nice 'everyone can work everyone' contest, with ON stations being double mults (ON province + ON prefix), and members of the European Union are mults and extra points too.
You can find the rules here:
Supported Software: N1MMLogger, SDU, WriteLog (others?)
Note that Cabrillo is accepted, more on this here:
I hope to find some of you guys in the contest? Look for ON4IT and myself (with others) from our clubstation www.ON7SA.be in a 24 M/S effort.
73 es CU in the contest!
- Franki ON5ZO
PS: UBA DX CW is scheduled next month, February 22+23