[WWYC] EU Sprint CW - Results

Hrvoje Horvat hrle at ipazin.net
Mon Jun 16 14:59:39 EDT 2003

Compliments to all WWYC for nice activity! Around 10 WWYC ops = 11% of total

Next Sprint even better?!

Hrle - 9A6XX

> Hello!
> The results of the Eu Sprint Contest - Spring CW (held on April 19)
> have just been released.
> You can find your UBN report on the new Eu Sprint web page at:
> <www.qsl.net/eusprint>.
> The great news is that both the UBN and the LOGs are public and
> available for everyone on our web page, just click on a callsign to
> see the UBN report or to download the log in .ASC format.
> Please pay us a visit. Here you will find everything about the Eu
> Sprint: rules in several languages, results, prizes and software to
> download. Please visit the page and help us to keep it up. We want your
> articles about the Eu Sprint, share with us your tactics and secrets!
> Thanks for your entry, 73!
> Paolo, I2UIY
> Eu Sprint Gang
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Results of the European Sprint Contest (April/19/2003)
> Manager I2UIY
>      Call           Name        QSO  80  40  20
> ------------------------------------------------
>   1. G4BUO          DAVE        217  51  73  93
>   2. LY9A           GED         211  54  59  98
>       (Opr. LY3BA)
>   3. LY2OX          TED         206  51  70  85
>   4. GM3POI         CLIVE       198  52  64  82
>   5. OL5Y           MAR         195  44  67  84
>       (Open OK1FUA)
>   6. HG5Z           GYURI       188  52  67  69
>   7. OK2ZU          VOC         186  54  65  67
>   8. EN1U           SERGE       185  39  55  91
>       (Opr. UX1UA)
>      OK2FD          KAR         185  54  71  60
>  10. 9A7P           LEE         183  39  69  75
>       (Opr. 9A6XX)
>  11. IK0YVV         MARCO       182  40  66  76
>  12. OH2PM          PERTTI      181  37  74  70
>      LY2BM          RIM         181  44  60  77
>  14. YO9WF          IONUT       180  34  74  72
>  15. G4BWP          FRED        179  42  62  75
>  16. OK1KT          ATA         178  43  65  70
>  17. ES5QX          JUSS        175  40  61  74
>  18. ES5TV          TON         169  41  56  72
>      G3AB           ANDY        169  37  67  65
>  20. RK3BA          YURI        159  32  63  64
>  21. GU3SQX         ED          158  36  52  70
>  22. OL4M           GEO         157  42  62  53
>  23. G3SJJ          CHRIS       153  36  52  65
>  24. HB9CZF         NIK         152  40  62  50
>      I0JFE          JOHN        152  23  63  66
>  26. G0MTN          LEE         146  28  63  55
>  27. OK2BND         JAN         144  39  52  53
>  28. SM3X           LARS        143  38  51  54
>       (Opr. SM3CVM)
>  29. OK1VD          VASEK       135  35  62  38
>  30. EI4BZ          DAVE        133  20  49  64
>  31. OK2DU          BAC         132  31  51  50
>  32. OK2PTZ         TOM         131  34  46  51
>      UT5ECZ         EDO         131  33  40  58
>      DJ9RR          HEYE        131  36  50  45
>  35. I2UIY          PAOLO       129  29  16  84
>      DJ1OJ          HEIJO       129  28  43  58
>  37. YU1ZZ          MILAN       125  28  54  43
>  38. OK1FCA         STAN        124  25  64  35
>  39. DL9ABM         STEFAN      122  31  50  41
>  40. IK2HKT         STEN        121  29  45  47
>      ON5ZO          ZEP         121  29  50  42
>  42. IN3FHE         INA         119  25  48  46
>  43. DJ1YFK         FAB         116  27  50  39
>  44. LY2BBI         ADO         114  32  31  51
>  45. UR6IGG         BORIS       113  20  43  50
>  46. UR5EFJ         ROMAN       110  26  42  42
>  47. OK1TN          SLAVEK      109  38  40  31
>      SP2DNI         ANDY        109  31  39  39
>  49. G3XSV          AL          104   0  44  60
>  50. GW3NJW         CLIVE       100  19  31  50
>      G3XTT          DON         100  15  39  46
>  52. SP9DUX         VLAD         97  19  41  37
>  53. UT0RM          ALEX         96   0  41  55
>  54. LZ2UZ          KRIS         92  19  27  46
>      OH4RH          MAURI        92   0  49  43
>      M0GMT          DANNY        92   9  43  40
>  57. OZ1AA          TOM          90   0   0  90
>  58. K1KI           TOM          80   0   0  80
>  59. EU4LY          YURI         79  16  35  28
>  60. RN4SS          IGOR         77   0  22  55
>  61. RA3XO          SANY         75  20  25  30
>  62. SM5IMO         DAN          72   4  38  30
>  63. DL1JF          HERMAN       69  15  27  27
>  64. LZ4AE          ANGEL        66   0  17  49
>  65. I1BAY          ATTI         65  12  20  33
>  66. SM3AVW         SID          62   0  37  25
>  67. G3ZRJ          TONY         60   0  27  33
>  68. HS0ZDZ         RAY          52   0   0  52
>      LY2OO          ARWI         52  20   0  32
>      OM5NA          DEZO         52   0   1  51
>  71. IK0XFD         GIO          45   0   2  43
>  72. RW3FO          DIMA         43   0   0  43
>  73. G3IZD          IVAN         41  12   0  29
>  74. OK1KA          JOSEF        36   0   0  36
>  75. JA3YPL         AKI          32   0   0  32
>      EU6AA          VIC          32   0   0  32
>  77. G3HKO          DES          30   5   7  18
>  78. UW5U           VLAD         29   0   3  26
>       (Opr. UY2UA)
>      RV3BA          MAX          29   0   0  29
>      IK2NCF         FEL          29   0  11  18
>  81. G4WSX          JOHN         28   0   9  19
>  82. OK1KZ          PAUL         20   5   8   7
>  83. IK2SAE         PAOLO        12   1   1  10
>  84. UT1YW          EUGEN         7   6   1   0
>  85. OH6MBQ         VESA          0   0   0   0
>  Control Log: G3LIK, IK2CIO.
> ------------------------------------------------
> more on <www.qsl.net/eusprint>
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