[WWYC] WEBPAGE manager for dxpedition

danny clapp m0gmt at postmaster.co.uk
Thu May 29 22:01:00 EDT 2003

Hello all,

Would anyone like the chance to be the webpage manager for Oliver DJ9AO and Danny M0GMT's dxpedition to Cambodia in August.

This would involve being regular in checking your e-mial each day and uploading our dxpedition log pages into the log search applet on the webpage.  Also any photos or updated news etc..

I would prefer the person who does this to be experienced with loading logs into G4ZFE's search applet, but if you have not done it before but know how to do it then this is o.k.

The dates for the expedition are on the front page of the website, and also any info you require.

Many thanks,

Danny. M0GMT.


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