Franki at ON5ZO.be franki at on5zo.be
Mon Oct 27 20:08:11 EST 2003

Gals 'n Guys, I had good fun as part of the M/S effort at OT3H.
Score is here:

WWYC Highlights:
Meeting Nate N4YDU at NR3X on 15m when I was still fresh and awake, and Hrle 9A6XX at
9A7P on 80m when I was exhausted, tired, dizzy and confused - but then again: isn't
that the right state of mind when you want to talk to Hrle?  ;o)

WWYC Downside:
Meeting whom I thought was Mike SM3WMV on 80m late at night / early in the morning,
saying hello and getting a very confused response from the operator at... SK3W.
Oops... Kilo - Mike, Mike - Kilo - does it matter that much?

No plans for WW CW yet, best bet will be a PTSOABLALP*-entry

73 es GO WWYC GO!
Franki ON5ZO

*part time single operator all band lousy antennas low power

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