Franki at ON5ZO.be
franki at on5zo.be
Mon Apr 19 14:06:16 EDT 2004
EUSCW Score Summary Sheet
Operator(s) : ON5ZO
Power : LOW
Mode : CW
Default Exchange : ZEP
TS-850 @ 100W
Software: N1MM Logger
Band Contacts
---- --------
3,5 41
7 54
14 34
Total 129
I was really looking forward to this... I was sharp... I was going to do good... Hell
But it turned out differently. Impossible to get it going. On 20m signals were really
down and there was little activity and I was losing every duel. On 40m there were
other contests going on, very confusing situations. I repeat last week's statement:
this is really a HP contest were LP stations suffer. Or is it just me? Also plenty of
room for SO2R; I never had to CQ this long and often in any of the Sprints I did
before. Something to consider...
On top of that, there was this HA-dude operating from ON. Usually I am (almost) the
only Belgian station around, but this time the country winner certificate for Belgium
goes to him. That kills my plan to use these certificates as shack wallpaper, there
will be a blank now. Buy me a drink Zoli, and all is forgiven ;o) Good job OM, for
a first time!
One last remark: HA1AG is right about the "call-exchange-call"; it is very confusing
and hence it doesn't work. I had it a couple of times, you expect a call so you don't
pay attention - but there is the serial already! I think it can only work if everyone
does this and you know the routine.
The "call de call + serial + name" routine might be slower and longer, but in the end
you'll need less fills.
TNX to all WWYC in the log, they were few this time (G0MTN, CT1ILT, ES5TV, 9A7P -
missed someone?).
What's next? WPX CW, IARU (WRTC style) and WAE CW? Only three contests in over 4
months? Bummer!
73 de Franki 'Zep' ON5ZO
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