[WWYC] WAE CW 9A7P(9A6XX) Single Op LP

Hrvoje Horvat hrle at ipazin.net
Mon Aug 16 12:14:51 EDT 2004

Working DXes, receiving QTCs, chatting in #wwyc, drinking last supplies of 
Zubrowka (polish vodka);... one like me wouldnt ask for more in life, expect 
more time! 8 hours is just not enough! 

Beside this contest we spent about whole saturday night (till sunday, 7 in 
the morning) working on WWYC Meeting video - 9A6NCM, 9A8MM and myself. 20 
minutes of the video is done! Unfortunatly we're all pretty busy lately and 
wonder when we'll do next 20 minutes. But we promise soon, very soon. 

It'll be really a video to show to your neightbours, girlfriends and other 
future lids - to see what we really are. The quality isnt professional as 
Brooks movies but it has a lot of heart built in! 

Thanks to all that gives point to WWYC in WAE. As I counted so far, if all 
goes well we will have around 3-4 millions from WAE CW. So far the biggest 
scores seen from Andy, LY7Z (amazing 1.8M) and Filipe Pedro Lopes, CT1ILT 
(1.1M). This guys could be winners in both High and Low Power, which would 
lead to ultimate victory of WWYC in Single operations. 

PY8DAN (op. PY8AZT), who is also WWYC, is leading so far in Single Op Low 
Power DX side! 

73 es CU around,
Hrle - 9A6XX 

                   WAE DX Contest, CW 

Call: 9A7P
Operator(s): 9A6XX
Station: 9A7P 

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Pazin
Operating Time (hrs): 8 

Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
  80:    4     0    12
  40:   33   109    54
  20:  156   390    66
  15:   47   142    48
  10:    0     0     0
Total:  240   641   180  Total Score = 158,500 

Club: Worldwide Young Contesters 


Only 8 hours this year.
Lot of good friends and WWYCers on the air. 

After all, CW is CW! 

CU next one, 

Hrle - 9A6XX, NY6W 

TS440S + 2L Quad (20-10m)+dipole 40/80m 

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