[WWYC] Dayton Observations

Hrvoje Horvat hrle at ipazin.net
Mon May 17 09:11:58 EDT 2004

Fantastic photos!
Youngsters having fun in hamradio meeting - something rare to see in our

Freb is da man! Real WWYCer!
Never work contest more then 48 hours like K9YO did!

I think this is a challenge for EU guys/girls in Friedrichshafen and Croatia
this year!
We hope to have some of you crossing over!

Long Live WWYC!

Hrle - 9A6XX, NY6W

----- Original Message -----
From: "K9YO-Cedrick W. Johnson" <k9yo at cedrick.net>
To: <wwyc at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 10:07 AM
Subject: [WWYC] Dayton Observations

> I have a few observations regarding Dayton that should fire you up. First,
> we got our name out there. We ARE the DEFINITION of Contesting's future.
> Good job guys. We're in the big leagues now.
> The next thing we need to do is begin to make SCORES! (Yes, this is coming
> from a member who has not been on the air in some 2 years) Let's show them
> we mean BUSINESS. As for the CQ-Contest advisory position, I'm extremely
> glad to see we are finally being accepted by the "mainstream" contesting
> community. Whoever is chosen will serve a critical role in not only WWYC,
> but in the contesting community at-large.
> By the way, ignore any photos that may begin to circulate regarging K9YO.
> Yes, disregard pse :)
> I was glad to run into several US WWYC members as well as many of our EU
> members who made it over. Guys, each and every one of you deserves a pat
> the back and someone to say Job Well Done. We've done it guys, we're in
> big leagues. Now it's up to us to take it to higher levels. I look forward
> to what's to come in WWYC!
> -yo
> =============================
> Cedrick W. Johnson
> http://tradeweb.cedrick.net
> Hubris Kills
> Think. Move. Be. FAST
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