Fabian Kurz lists at telegraphy.de
Mon Nov 29 17:18:21 EST 2004

Hey lids,

here's my humble result:

 Call:     DJ1YFK
 Station:  DJ6ZM
 Category: SOAB/HP

      160      161      168     1.04      6      36
       80      638      805     1.26     15      65
       40      892     1795     2.01     30     101
       20      632     1218     1.93     28      89
       15      645     1533     2.38     32      95
       10      141      331     2.35     24      58

     Totals   3109     5850     1.88    135     444  =>  3,387,150

About 43h on the air. Friday morning I got up at 06:30 and went to an
EE-lecture, then got on the train to Munich, where DJ6ZM's station is
located. I arrived at about 19:00, checked the station and antennas
and went to sleep at 20:30, so I had about 4h of sleep before the
Because I had a lab today (Monday), I planned to do about 40h only and
sleep 4h both nights, but somehow the bands didn't want to let me go.
So I ended up with two 2h-naps on monday morning, the second was
extended to 3h because I (lid!) didn't set the alarm clock properly.
In the whole contest I felt surprisingly awake and concentrated,
probably also due to the constant good rates (compared to what I
usually run as a QRPee-lid).
After the contest was over, I went to the train-station, had to wait
until 04:45 to catch my train back to Dresden (I didn't dare to sleep
at the train-station because I might have missed the train if I missed
to hear my mobile's alarm clock. At 11:00 I arrived in Dresden, with
2 hours of sleep on the train, then went to my lab and passed it with
the maximum score. Conclusion: I slept too much during the contest :-)

The contest itself was FUN. The station is just being built up and
this was the first serious operation from there. The 3el Yagi for 40m
had been installed just a week before the contest -- and didn't
survive the first storm to hit it. The reflector element broke off,
the director was bend a bit. For the other bands there is a Optibeam
16-3 (4el on 20 and 15m, 8el on 10m at 30m, below the 40m yagi at 37m)
and a OB 9-5 (2 active elements on each 10-20m). For the lowbands
there were 4 slopers for 80m and a single sloper for 160m. No special
receiving antennas yet.

I started on 40m with S&P and soon found a frequency and had a great
run of mostly NA, with some good multis calling me (C91F for example).
A totaly new experience for me - being called by rare DX!
The rate wouldn't go below about 100 q/h for the first few hours, the
best hour being 119 (2nd on 40m). Another two hours of over 110 QSOs
were made on 15m later when the band was wide open to the US.

During the contest I took some notes (ALT-N in CT), mostly about very
loud signals or rare DX which called me:
Amazingly loud signals, that is usually full scale at the MP's s-meter:
40m: IR7G, 80m: IR4X, IR2A, 5U5Z (peaking s9+15dB at
05:30z), 20m: OH5Z, OH5NE, 15m: RU1A, OH7M, K2NG, 10m: RT3T
Rare stations who called me: C91F (40 & 15m), VP9I (20m), 9Y4ZC (15m),
HS0ZAR (40m), KH2/WX8C (40m), B1Z (40m), VK9NW (40m) and probably a
bunch I forgot to note. It's really a thrill everytime DX calls in!

The only band which was a bit disappointing was 10m, both because
condx sucked and there was local noise which prevented any good
results up there. 

Well, that's what just came to my mind. Good to work such a lot of
WWYCers, too, too many to mention them all. Most pleasant surprise was
when Jason, N5NU called me on 40m, after (how many, 3? 4?) years of
absence of contesting.

Thanks to DJ6ZM for letting me use his great station!

Liddish: http://www.wwyc.net/index.php?gallery&displayimg=278 (short
before the end of the contest).

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK * http://fkurz.net/
rediscover the web: http://getfirefox.com/

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