[WWYC] CQWW SSB 2004 Team competition

Fabian Kurz lists at telegraphy.de
Tue Jul 26 18:33:37 EDT 2005

Filipe Lopes wrote:
> Still dont get it why someone forgot to send their logs from ou Team, !!

N4YDU was the 5th on the team and he did send his log. However, he was
on the list as NR3X, so his score didn't count. 
But this wouldn't have changed anything in the final result; we are 6
millions away from the 4th place.

Another (a bit offtopic) remark: before I wrote this reply, I cropped 
_97_ lines of unneccessarily quoted text from the mail. It makes
reading the mailing list, especially discussions where you rely to
something someone else wrote a LOT easier, if you post your answer
BELOW the quote, and delete anything unneccessary from the mail.

There is a nice explanation at Wikipedia about this:

Its bad enough to see that on the cq-contest list everyday; maybe at
least this mailing list could be made a bit more readable by obeying
the easy rules of quoting :)

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK * Dresden, Germany * http://fkurz.net/

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