[WWYC] Deadline - 30.06.2005

Donata Gierczycka sp5hnk at wp.pl
Thu Jun 23 11:36:09 EDT 2005

Hola, lids

I have to confirm number of people participating in the 2nd WWYC meeting in Darlowko, to give people in the camp place possibility to prepare everything properly. That's why I ask you to declare if you come till the end of June. The deadline is 30.06.05. After that day I send info about number of people to the camp place. If you declare to come after that date, you will have to care for accomodation on your own (and it may be hard or expensive, as it's summertime and SP coast is really crowded).

Here's the webpage with some links and basic info:



- Hrle, 9A6XX - 6 years of WWYC
- Donata, SP5HNK - General introduction to the second WWYC meeting
- Robert, SP5XVY - FT5XO, Kerguelen DXpedition
- Andrea, IK1PMR and Claudia, K2LEO - T33C 	Banaba DXpedition
- Andrea, IK1PMR - 6O0CW DXpedition
- Zoli, HA1AG - IOTA backpacking in Patagonia
- Marko, 4N1JA - TS3A in WPX SSB 2005
- Lee, G0MTN - 100 contests in 12 months - „Little pistol contesting”
- Lee, G0MTN - Life after WWYC by a new OF
- Joe, SP9P - Advanced antenna systems
- Greg, SQ4NR - SP-WWYC activities

...and some other activities:

- FCC exam session - by IK1PMR, K2LEO and 9A6XX [www.ik1pmr.com/vec/wwyc-2005.php]
- International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend, operating as 3Z1LH from Darlowo lighthouse [illw.net]
- Fox hunting and other ham competitions
- Special event station SP0WWYC, operating from SN1D 
- Walk and BBQ
- Bus tour
- Football DX game
- Sunbathing, beach volley or Aquapark - depending on the weather
- parties

Prices - 43 PLN/night+HP (breakfast and hot meal in the late afternoon). T-shirt, bus tour costs will appear later on, after discussing all the details.

Hope to see you in SP in August and in FN tomorrow :) Remember - 30.06.05 is the deadline.

73, HNK

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