Franki ON5ZO on5zo at telenet.be
Mon May 30 13:46:40 EDT 2005

> It seems that just after the end of someone else's CQ call, *and* only if
> you send your callsign, there is up to a 6 dB path improvement, and your
> callsign can be copied.  If you send QRL! or LID! instead, the signal
> increase does not happen.  I would imagine that the improvement is
> proportional to the rarity of your prefix as well - truly amazing
> propagation characteristics.
> I will do more research on this subject and present my results later ;-)
> Lee G0MTN

Yes Lee, please do. Better insights of this sudden and selective propagation 
mechanism might force DJ1YFK to withdraw his remark addressed to yours truly:
"Seems to happen to weak stations only :)"

The QRP LID seems to have forgotten his roots, now that he is playing in the 
PowerHouse HotShot league   ;o)
My heart bleeds, especially after all the work that has been done in the last year to 
make the ON5ZO signals heard worldwide...

- Franki ON5ZO @ Weak Station  ;o) 

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