A.R.S. LU1YNE lu1yne at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Sep 8 17:52:11 EDT 2005

Hi everybody, I´ll be operating the WAE DX Contest SSB, but only from 21:00 UTC to approximately 04:00 UTC -it depends on condx- each of the two days. I´ll operate mostly 20mts but also 80mts, so point your antennas to me at that times! If you work me, tell me you´re WWYC´er so I get to know more of you guys (and YLs -why not?-). Hope to work everyone this weekend. You can see my website at  www.lu1yne.tk  where you have photos, info and more. 73 to everyone and good luck in the contest!. Have fun!
Edwin Koessler
Patagonia - ARGENTINA

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