[WWYC] Programming modules for N1MM or writelog

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Nov 24 11:43:49 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "LA6FJA/K3RAG Stein Roar Brobakken" <s-roabr at online.no>

> Is there anyone out there which is programming or knows anyone
> who can program easily contest module for Norwegian national
> tests in N1MM or Writelog ??

SD V13.10 supports the Norwegian Fylkes contest - using a
Norwegian keyboard.  SD runs on any Windows PC and is free
from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdsetup.exe.

> There is needed moduls/program for: 
> LA Telephony contest
> LA Fylkes contest
> LA Winter Contest
> IARU Fieldday with LA rules
> NRAU 10m Contest (for scandinavia)

Please send me the Rules in English, or provide links, and
I'll add support for the others.

Paul EI5DI

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