Iain Kelly iain at m0pcb.co.uk
Tue Nov 28 16:31:33 EST 2006

SOAB Low Power entry.

Icom 706, 100W Sandpiper MV5+3 Vertical. Was supposed to be opping from 
G6M, but they had a lack of mains power for a significant time so I 
ended up playing from home. Purely a S&P effort and an excuse to play 
radio for a weekend and get some new DXCCs.

9 all time new ones, many new band mode combinations worked. Impressed 
with how easy it was work the DX, even though signals weren't often 
strong. 10M was closed to me all weekend, the times I tried I could hear 
one station, and he was about 20km away (G6M incidentally).

Had fun, kind of pleased I was playing from home as the q's get to go in 
my log as opposed to g6m's! ;-)

 Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   ZN
     7      17      35   15    9
    14      48     118   27   13
    21      47      99   38   18
    28       1      0    1    1
 Total     113     252   81   41
Score: 30,744

73 y'all


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