[WWYC] Re: Help on issues around your hamradio organizations and howdoes it work in your country‏

Marko Pernic mpernic at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 1 03:30:05 EST 2008

Hi Mr.B.

> 1. a) What country are you from and what is the name of your hamradio
> organization (DARC, SARTG etc...)

9A / HRS

>     b) To be a member of the country hamradio organization, can you be a
> member as a singular hamradio operator, or can only clubs be members of the
> organization ?

Operators CAN be members on their own (without being a member of a radioclub), and radioclubs MUST be members of HRS.

On the other hand, to obtain LICENCE for the amateur radio station, you
MUST be a member of HRS (as the Croatian telecommunication agency
requires the confirmation from HRS about your callsign and class).

>     c) If you know what % of hamradio operators are members in the country
> organization? (aproximately?)

8000+ callsigns are issued (exist in callbook) and approx 2000 people are HRS members. That would be < 25%.

> 2. a) Do you guys have to pay every year for your licence, or use of the
> hamradio frequencies ?


>     b) If so, how ? (even a link or anything)

We pay once in 5 years - approx €15 per 5 years.

>     c) do they plan to do something on that matter ?


> 3. a) Do you have to be a member in your country hamradio organization ?

See above. You do only if you want to obtain an operating licence.

>     b) How much is the membership per year ?

€1.5 for youth (up to 14 years old)

€12 - without magazine

€20 - with magazine

> 4. a ) What does your hamradio organization offer you for that money ?

QSL service, free @hamradio.hr email, free web space in form www.hamradio.hr/your_callsign

>     b ) Do you have to pay for other things (QSL biro, magazine, .... ) ?

QSL service is included in all cases, magazine depends on the fee you pay.

>     c ) If so how much ?

Magazine itself would €2 per number (total 6 numbers per year).

Marko, 9A8MM
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