[WWYC] IARU plans?

Tomek SQ6TQM (ex SQ3TQM) sq3tqm at o2.pl
Thu Jul 10 23:57:07 EDT 2008

Witaj Fabian,

W Twoim liście datowanym 09 July 2008 (20:35:23) można przeczytać:

> the IARU Contest is just a few days away. What are everybody's
> plans?

Just arrived a few hours ago to M0HDD's QTH (well - SP6ML as most
people know him) and we plan to set up some portable masts, whatever
it takes to be QRV on 10-160m.

We planned to hit the farm few kilometers from here, everything was
arranged - except the weather. Because of the rain we'll set
everything up in the back garden and work from home.

Surely LP (GP, dipole and wires is the most we can get), but no more
plans yet.

GL in the contest!
<wish>I hope to work all of you guys this year :-)</wish>


Vy 73!
Tomek SQ6TQM <tm at sq6tqm.info>       http://www.sq6tqm.info/
Tom   M0TQM  <tm at m0tqm.info>        http://www.m0tqm.info/

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