[WWYC] Help on issues around your hamradio organizations and how does it work in your country

Zoli Pitman HA1AG ha1ag at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 28 08:43:07 EST 2008

1. a) What country are you from and what is the name of your hamradio
organization (DARC, SARTG etc...)


    b) To be a member of the country hamradio organization, can you be a
member as a singular hamradio operator, or can only clubs be members of the
organization ?

only clubs can be member, individuals only via clubs. 

    c) If you know what % of hamradio operators are members in the country
organization? (aproximately?)


2. a) Do you guys have to pay every year for your licence, or use of the
hamradio frequencies ?


    b) If so, how ? (even a link or anything)
    c) do they plan to do something on that matter ?

No, because it is too expensive to collect the fees. 

3. a) Do you have to be a member in your country hamradio organization ?


    b) How much is the membership per year ?

about 40 euros

4. a ) What does your hamradio organization offer you for that money ?

I can get QSLs via the QSL bureau, representation  but eventually nothing. 

    b ) Do you have to pay for other things (QSL biro, magazine, .... ) ?


    c ) If so how much ?

12 euro / kg for outgoing international cards 


zoli ha1ag


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