[WWYC] HST training in Poland - some serious lids expected

Donata Gierczycka-Zbrożek sp5hnk at wp.pl
Thu Apr 9 00:18:50 PDT 2009


There were some questions about the WWYC meeting this year... I cannot 
say much about the meeting itself, but in June, in SP7, we organize a 
high speed telegraphy "training camp", to give everyone a chance to 
exchange info, tricks about technique and to have a few calm days to 
focus on HST only. At home it is sometimes impossible. It was meant 
mostly to support the national HST teams from Poland and Germany, but it 
is also open to everyone.

Time frames are 4-8.06.2009. It covers the Fieldday contest and the 
field station will be prepared for that time. The location is hotel 
Ameliowka (www.ameliowka.pl), near Kielce, in SP7 (central Poland). For 
the training we have two conference rooms, the accomodation is in ** 
rooms (*** standard really), full board. A half day trip is planned, as 
SP7 is quite a famous touristic region in Poland.

http://www.swietokrzyskie.pl/mwo.php - only in Polish, but you can see 
the photos (places worth of a visit, ordered by the name of the town). 
The most interesting part might be an archeological museum Krzemionki 
(www.krzemionki.pl, other languages available).

Total price for guests from outside Poland is 180 EUR (accomodation 2-3 
bedded hotel rooms, conference rooms, full board, trip, preparation of 
the equipment etc.). The hotel has a cafe and a pub also.

If anyone is interested, please let me know and I will forward the 
application form or further info. The deadline for applications is end 
of May - but the number of hotel places is limited. The hotel has also 
camping houses... so it's up to you.

I wish everyone a happy Easter and lots of optimism for the coming spring.

73! hnk

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