Franki ON5ZO on5zo at telenet.be
Thu Sep 17 10:51:54 PDT 2009

> I also noticed today that the Autumn EU Sprints are coming closer.
> Looking at the results of the recent events, it seems that this
> contest is slowly dying. Can we rack up some serious WWYC activity
> again like 5 years ago, when 20% of my Sprint QSOs were with YCers?
> Will try to be QRV in the EU Sprints this year and I hope to work a
> lot of you lidz!
> Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK

I have never done well in Sprints and never had real fun (I'm a running 
kinda guy) but until a few years ago I tried to be there. Even in SSB. Just 
because Sprint sucks when there's no one around.
Then came the point where it seemed that no one was around anymore, so I 
gave up - which was 3 possible QSOs less for those who stuck around. Maybe a 
chain reaction?

Since then, I've taken Sprints off my calendar. Especially since my scores 
went down and down in stead of up each time. Maybe time to reconsider? It 
could be a lot of fun if there was more participation!

- Franki 'ZEP' ON5ZO 

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